Friday 9 July 2010


Another video from Japan. Utterly perplexing.

As a person likely to suffer from dangerously high blood pressure at some point- both parents and various members of the family have been afflicted in the past- I'm often looking out for handy applications for it in order to ensure that I put it to good use. As increasing the chance of strokes or heart attacks isn't really classified as a handy application, it would appear that I'm some way off finding a practical use for the condition that will likely affect me in the future. So step forward Japan, again thinking outside the box.

Watching this advert, I had absolutely no idea what they were selling, it had more twists and turns than the Cambridge one-way system. First of all I thought it was a PSA about forest fires, then I thought it was a PSA about workplace accidents (I have seen some workplace accident videos that are as convoluted and complex as the Final Destination films when it comes to dispatching employees). Eventually it transpired that it was for tea.

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